Let's Talk Nutrition – A Peek Into The Fitness Kitchen

Let’s talk about your nutrition!  We all need it but with the abundance of food choices out there, why is it so hard to come by?  Well when it comes to nutrition, we simply need to get back to the basics and re-learn where good and whole nutrition comes from and how we can get more of it!

This video’s focus is on nutrition.  So what do you think about when you hear the word nutrition?  Does it give you anxiety?  

Do you have visions of slaving over the stove for hours?  

Do you get intimidated when it comes to thinking about how to get good and whole nutrition?  

Well this video should help to ease your mind just a bit and hopefully make it easier to experiment with trying new things to get that well needed nutrition into your mind, body and soul.

Perhaps you are the type of person that loves spending time in the kitchen preparing delicious food choices for yourself and your family?  

Maybe you have thinking that your nutrition is good, but your body tells you otherwise.  

No matter if you are shored up with your nutrition, or your nutrition is bankrupt, it’s never too late to start thinking about your good and whole nutrition.

This video is just a quick example of how I get down when it comes to my own nutrition and wellness.

 I do my best to remind myself to make it as simple as possible when it comes to nutrition.  The following are a few questions that I ask myself in order to keep myself on track and moving forward.
When it comes to nutrition, you want to ask yourself the following:

  • Is this food going to GIVE life to me or take it away?
  • Is this food out of the ground or off a tree?
  • Is this food colorful (meaning colored from Mother Nature – not genetically modified.  Have you ever seen a Coco Puffs Tree?)
  • Will this food choice help me meet my fitness/nutrition goals or will it take me further away?

Considering the above questions, if you can answer them with confidence and you are okay with the work involved when it comes to making mediocre choices, then enjoy, but I remind you that moderation is key.
Look, there is no one size fits all diet that will work for everyone.  It’s all about knowing what works for you, as we all have individual needs and requirements that will put you in the best position to succeed.
I hope this helps, and if you need more or you would like to learn more about nutritional coaching, blood type coaching, life coaching, or if you have questions as to how I help other live at their own version of Xcellence, then please use the form to reach out and connect with me.
I am here to help.