Extremely Positive Xavier Smith, aka Coach X

Xavier Smith, aka, Mr. XL Smith, aka Coach X 2.O

Welcome to the About Xavier Smith/Mr. XL Smith/Coach X page!

I am Xavier Smith, aka Mr. XL Smith, aka Coach X.

Yes, I know, I have many names but I only have one mission, and if you stick around and read on, you will discover why I have been sent here.

Coach X / Xavier Smith About me

Entrepreneur, author, husband, and grandfather of 12, Xavier prides himself on living life to the fullest and moving forward with love regardless of circumstances.

Best known for sharing knowledge about fitness, nutrition, and life skills, you will also find him doing his best to uplift others with his unique brand of pure positive energy!

Learn what others have to say about him below.

Click here to see Google Reviews!

Customer Testimonials

If you had landed on this page, you are likely interested in learning more about me and what I do for others.

Some have expressed interest in how I came to be called Mr. XL Smith.

Xavier Smith

Levels and Layers of Xavier Smith

What’s on this About Me Page

Why Mr. XL Smith

Well, it’s not as exciting as you might think.

No, it does not stand for extra-large, but rather it’s a play on the initials of my name.

Mr. XL Smith really just means Xavier Lamar!

Get it?

So now that we have that one out of the way, let’s get into the story of Xavier Smith.

Why Be Mediocre When You Can Be Xcellent

Know this…

I am always about not achieving but BEING Xcellent (yes I spelled Xcellent that way on purpose) in whatever I do both for myself and others.

Whether it’s my work, my relationships, simply living my life each day, or even speaking and sharing my story with others, I always strive to be the best version of myself that I can be.

So if you are looking for someone who can help you become your version of Xcellence in your life, then you’ve landed on the right page!

This is a living breathing page and as I practice, evolve, and repeat, so shall it be reflected on the pages of this website.

So with that said, I thank you for visiting this page, and I do hope you grab a seat, get some popcorn, and join me in this voyage we call life as we become Xcellent together.

Let’s talk about how this page was put together for your learning pleasure.

You are about to learn about three factors or as I like to call it, life-shaping experiences that help to mold the man I am today.

I am also adding a bonus section.

This allows for me to add other life experiences that may benefit others as I (just like you) will continue to evolve, learn, fail, and repeat.

From Xavier Smith to Coach X

I want to take you back a bit into my life experience so you can get a feel for the man behind the mission.

As a young man, I was faced with some major challenges that most would crumble under.

My Driving Factors

A few factors (but not limited to just these) that you will learn are:

  • The hit-and-run drunk driving accident
  • Xavier Smith had a heart attack at 29 story
  • The Pulmonary Embolism

If you are ready, let’s dive in.

The Accident

Xavier Smith the accident

I was involved in a hit-and-run drunk driving accident in my second year in high school.

That left me hospitalized for over two weeks.

It’s amazing that I even survived, but as they say, “the bravest are the ones who have faced their fears.”

That experience helped me develop a sense of strength and resiliency that I continue to draw upon today.

The Heart Attack

Xavier Smith Heart attack pic

A few years later, in my late twenties, I had a heart attack.

I was not rushed to the hospital and did not undergo emergency surgery or anything dramatic like that.

I actually slept on it over a weekend. That’s right. It happened on a Friday.

I was on leave from US Air Force, where I was serving as a supervisor at Aviano Airbase while visiting my younger brother.

We were playing a pick-up game at ASU (Arizona State University), and when I took

a jump shot, I felt like an elephant came into the gym and sat on my chest.

I pulled myself out of the game thinking it was just a case of gas or indigestion.

I slept on it and did not do anything about it until the following Monday.

Thank Goodness for Family

My brother took me to Chandler Regional Medical Center and that is where I learned about what a myocardial infarction was.

I had a heart attack.

This, among other life experiences, caused me to slow down, reflect, and look inward to where the real problem was.

Again, I am just so happy and grateful to be alive!

This is the point in my life that I realized that I was the problem – NOT other people or circumstances – JUST ME!

The Pulmonary Embolism

In 2016, I had a pulmonary embolism.

I was actually teaching a fitness move to one of my clients when it happened.

The struggle to breathe was real, and my heart rate was all over the place.

The class was canceled and I went to the Veteran’s Hospital.

Then they took me to Gilbert-Mercy Medical Center.

Thank you Gilbert-Mercy Hospital

Intensive care was my residence for over a week.

I did make new friends while there.

I was the youngest-looking person in this section in the ICU.

It was mentioned that I gave them a breath of fresh air while I was there (their words not mine).

It’s a pretty serious thing when a blood clot travels from your calf up to your lungs!

Again, I am very grateful for something that could have been worse.

These three experiences were major turning points in my life and helped to shape the Xavier Smith you see today.

A man who is not afraid of challenges contrasts, who has faced his fears, and lives each day with a sense of purpose, mission, and gratitude.

Why “Coach X?”

After my heart attack, I started working as a personal trainer and the energy shifted from Xavier Smith to me becoming more like a guide from the side.

Enter Coach X.

I wanted to create a persona that was larger than life, someone who could help inspire and motivate others to take their lives back.

Someone people could look up to and emulate.

Coach X is that person.

I am not just a personal trainer, I am a certified life coach, complete with training and certifications as a health and wellness coach – so we are talking a trifecta of life learning and skillset to help you.

Someone who has been through it all and is here to help you get where you want to be in life – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

My Mission: IMPACTING – INSPIRING & IMPROVING the lives of others daily

The Evolution Continues

Most people know me for my positive disposition but I was not always that way.

I have had my share of heartache and pain, but I do not dwell on them.

I also had to learn something about forgiving others.

The Power of Forgiveness

Power of forgiveness picture by  Xavier Smith

Did you know I was in prison for 17 years?

I never stepped foot inside a jail cell so what am I am talking about?

I spent 17 years of my life in a mental prison, carrying around the burden of bitterness, frustration and anger.

All because I was not ready to forgive my parents.

There was a misplaced perception of what I thought they did or did not do for me.

I have a new empowering statement that I use in my life now:

“If I want to LIVE, I have to learn how to forgive!”

I used to be a victim in my life, but now I use my life to help me become a better person.

For myself and for those around me.

The experiences I have gone through have made me stronger, more resilient, and more humble.

They have also given me a greater purpose in life – to help others achieve their goals and dreams, no matter what they may be.

So, if you are looking for someone who has been there and done that, then Coach X is your guy!

If you are looking for someone who can help you become the best version of yourself, then Coach X is your coach.

“It’s Not About ME – It’s About The Purpose Of M.E.!“